Echo Boy

Echo Boy

‘Echo Boy’ – 23.4″ x 33.1″ Canvas Board- Chalk Pastel with Acrylic Base- Finished Monday the 18th of September 2023 and exhibited during Cork City Culture Night Friday the 22nd.

Artist Statement:

It was a joy working on this Cork Legend, Michael O’Regan, fondly known as the ‘Echo Boy’. I believe his nephew’s words at his funeral in December 2022 perfectly encapsulated in words the essence of this renowned figure from Cork ” “When I say he was OUR Echo Boy, he was just that. A face for the beating heart of our city, of the people of Cork and all that is good about us,” -Anthony O Regan.

I can only hope that my chalk painting can give this Cork Legend justice visually and evoke Cork memories for all who visited Cork through Michael O’Regan’s reign. 

The Paintings Story.

“It was a truly meaningful experience to create this piece, inspired by the one and only Michael O’Regan. As I painted him, memories of my younger self flooded back, recalling his bellows as I walked home from school, college, and work. I vividly remember walking past him with my eldest child who was then 5, who jumped with surprise and giggled as Echo Boy bellowed. My heart swelled with pride as people understood the painting and commented on how it authentically captured the essence of Cork. For those who lived in or visited Cork City, hearing the Echo Boy’s bellows across the city, regardless of sun, wind, rain, sleet, or snow, was a comforting reminder of home. I aimed to visually capture that sense of familiarity in my artwork, and I’m so thankful for the positive responses and messages of how ‘Echo Boy’ evoked memories.  #EchoBoy #CorkArt #CultureNight #ArtisticJourney #artforlife #irishartist

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