My Journey

Welcome to my Digital, Fine Art & Humanities journey! My name is Onóir (pronounced On Oar) the Irish for ‘Honor’. My Parents told me my name choices were between ‘Onóir’ or ‘Fainche’ (pronounced Fanny), I’m fully convinced my telepathic baby powers geared my parents in the right direction.

This website began when I started my UCC Postgraduate Digital Arts & Humanities course in 2020. I hope to keep updating with knowledge, artwork, and thoughts as I wade through the art world.

My History: I’m CIT now MTU Crawford Fine Art Graduate, UCC Graduate and a UCD Graduate, an ex Cork’s RedFM Radio Executive (15 years), and presently a Digital Marketer and Digital and Fine Artist, a mother for the last 22 years (I was a baby having babies!) a wife for 11 years, and counting! Whilst doing all of the above I picked up a few educational and creative courses along the way

(All this before I hit the big 42, just in case you’re wondering!)

Echo Boy
Echo Boy
Digital Humanities
” When one door closes another opens: but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us” Alexander Graham Bell. Drawing by Onóir O Brien
Cork Railing by Onóir O Brien 2020

”She wasn’t doing a thing that I could see except standing there, leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together”

-JD Salinger

Why I chose a Postgrad in Digital Humanities at University College Cork? 

Sure why not! Like many people, I view and absorb knowledge through digital platforms. I started questioning what am I absorbing? what is ‘fake news’ or true knowledge? How can my Fine Art progress into the digital sphere? What is digital doing to society? How can I help? How can I teach & learn? How can I research, write, and disseminate using digital platforms and e-Tools? How can I use digital humanities research to help create evolving strategies of modern pedagogy in Education, Business, Politics, Humanities, and Social science? Understanding the digital and everyday behavior of society, helps me evoke memories and connections through my artwork.

In a nutshell: I want to study Digital Humanities so I can understand and interpret the artistic, social, psychological, and ethical factors that shape our digital world of business and society.

Why Build this website?

Sure why not? and It was part of the course. I’m delighted it was! Gives me my own space to Document my journey and how can I fully understand Fine and Digital Art and digital dissemination if I don’t create and build my own Digital Domain of knowledge?

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